Fines for overdue items
Please remember to return books on time because there are Library fines, that will be incurred for items that are returned or renewed late:
0,03 € per day for one-month or longer lending period
0,10 € per day for shorter than one-month lending period
Fines are charged when an item is overdue and continues to increase until the item is returned.. When the fine exceeds 5 €, the option to borrow items is blocked. It can be reactivated only when the fine is reduced and does not exceed 5 €.
You can check the list of borrowed items, due dates and fines for the overdue items via your personal account in the Virtual Library.
Fine payment must be made through online banking to Vilniaus kolegija account:
AB SEB bankas
Vilniaus kolegija
Company code: 111965131
Account: LT76 7044 0600 0147 2160
Purpose of Payment: Library fine (Your name, surname).
Fine payment copy must be delivered or mailed to your faculty library.