From May 13 to 17, 2024, the Head of the Library of the Faculty of Health Care, Renata Markauskienė, participated in the Staff Training Week at Carlo Cattaneo University (LIUC), Italy (Università Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC) under the Erasmus+ program.

12 representatives from higher education institutions of 6 countries (Greece, Spain, Croatia, Poland, Lithuania, Germany) attended the international training week. Participants from universities/colleges libraries presented their institutions and libraries.

LIUC University Library staff and lecturers prepared particularly intensive and informative training week. Presentations about library functions and services, the information system Alma, Leganto, Primo VE, Esploro, the institutional repository ARL, cataloging and acquisition processes, information literacy course, Turnitin and the publishing process of the electronic journal The European Journal of Comparative Economics (EJCE). Participants had the opportunity to hear two lectures on the most relevant topics nowadays: crisis management in libraries and artificial intelligence challenges in higher education.

During the international week other libraries and museums were visited: the Ambrosiana Library, the Pinacoteca Museum, the Braidense National Library, “Paolo Borsellino” Public Library of Como.

Participation in the Erasmus+ international exchange week at the LIUC University Library provided a lot of useful information about traditional library services and about the advantages and possibilities of implementing the Alma information system and advices on organizing information literacy courses for students. The non-traditional functions of the university library were also presented: the process of publishing an electronic journal, administration of the Moodle. It reveals new opportunities and challenges in expanding the library’s areas of functions.